The sophomores are on the move today. The Amber Waves tour was a huge hit! Next stop is Manufacturing Day at the BAC in Dickinson.

Fishing for Good Behavior award in PE goes to the 6th grade class for the 1st Quarter. Congratulations!

Flu shots will be given at the school on Wednesday, October 26. Please send the flu shot forms back to the office by Wednesday, October 12 if you would like your child to receive a flu shot. There are forms in the office if needed.

Just a reminder to order your Grant County/Mott-Regent Basketball Team gear! The last day to order is October 14.

Class of 2024

1960s-Let's Boogie our way to Victory! Class of 2026

7th Grade FACS students are busy sewing felt keychains. They learned 2 basic stitches along with sewing on a button.

The Mott-Regent Public School District is accepting sealed bids for the following:
1992 Thomas 60 passenger bus with 178,762.0 miles. Bus will be sold as is, no warranty.
Any interested party may stop by the school during business hours to look at the bus.
Bids will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on October 12, 2022, in the main office of the Mott-Regent School or may be mailed to Mott-Regent Public School ~ 205 Dakota Ave. ~ Mott, ND 58646. The Mott-Regent School reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

The K-6 Club Choice Fund Raiser will start on Monday, October 10. More information to follow.

Your Mott-Regent FFA chapter will be serving Concessions at both the Jr. High football game on Thursday and the Varsity Football game on Friday. We'll have South 40 Hamburgers, hotdogs, candy, pop and hot chocolate. Come out and support your FFA Chapter.

The elementary has an opening for a paraprofessional. Please contact the office for an application. 701-824-2795

College Application Day is complete at MRHS! Congratulations to all our seniors who applied to a college/university/trade school of their choice!

Get your Grant County/Mott-Regent Basketball Team Gear! Shop at the online store listed below. The store will be open until October 14.

Elementary Boys Basketball will start on Tuesday, October 4. Practice will start at 4:30 and end at 6:00. Basketball is open to all 4-6 grade boys. All students who participate will need to have a sports physical before they can practice. Stop by and pick your forms at the school.

The elementary celebrated Wildfire Day with an assembly at the end of the day! So much spirit and enthusiasm! 🔥🔥🔥

WILDFIRE DAY! The 7-12 assembly was a hit this morning— hearing from Christina Geerts on empathy and acceptance as well as a Woodwind Trio performing The Star Spangled Banner! ♥️🤍💙

Consolidated Channel 18 will air the football game between the Hettinger County Huskies and the Hettinger/Scranton Nighthawks. Game time is 6:00 PM.

Good morning! The Varsity football game for tonight, September 30, between the Hettinger County Huskies and Hettinger/Scranton Nighthawks will start at 6:00 PM. The game will be played in Hettinger. Go Huskies!

Good afternoon Wildfire! The venue for the JH/JV Football Game on October 6, 2022 has changed. The game will be played in Mott. Game start is 5:30PM. FFA will be serving concessions during the game. Have a wonderful weekend.

Grade 7 students took the challenge of creating their own Pizza. Representing fractions and decimals.
Well done!