firemen assembly
The elementary students had the pleasure of hearing from some of our local firemen. Jimmy Pouncey, Nathan Swindler, Logan Haberstroh, & Glen Marthaller talked to the students about the fire gear they wear. They learned about items they should all have in their homes to help with fire safety. Jimmy talked to the students about having an escape plan if there is a fire.  Jimmy, Logan, & Nathan had a race to see who could put their turnout gear on first. Logan was first, but they showed us they are a team and check each other’s gear to make sure everything is properly sealed. After the assembly the students had a chance to see the fire trucks and honk the horns. All students in grades K-6 received a gift from the firemen. Thank you to our local fire brigade for teaching us how to stay safe!  
Jimmy talking about fire extinguishers
firemen racing to put on turnout gear
5th & 6th grades with Logan
Jimmy handing out water bottles filled with goodies to the 3rd grade
3rd grade with fireman Logan Haberstroh